[ri-kwest] –noun
1. | the act of asking for something to be given or done, esp. as a favor or courtesy; solicitation or petition: At his request, they left. |
2. | an instance of this: There have been many requests for the product. |
3. | a written statement of petition: If you need supplies, send in a request. |
4. | something asked for: to obtain one's request. |
5. | the state of being asked for; demand. |
–verb (used with object)
6. | to ask for, esp. politely or formally: He requested permission to speak. |
7. | to ask or beg; bid (usually fol. by a clause or an infinitive): to request that he leave; to request to be excused. |
8. | to ask or beg (someone) to do something: He requested me to go. |
How many times have you made a request, a favor, something you ask from someone? To most, requests are a method to politely ask something from someone, expecting to be granted. Requests aren't as obligatory as demands. Demanding something means that you are asking for it, regardless of the other person's permission or willingness. Anyone may decline a request, but it isn't something done lightly. A request usually isn't big. It requires little effort, a small action for another person. But requests made by a friend to a friend isn't as easily declined, especially if gratitude or friendship is invoked. Though one party may want to decline, they usually just cede to the request out of respect, even if they do not want to do it. Especially in close circles, a request is a heavy burden, a show of trust. To request something from someone means that you trust that person to perform something not required of him/her, and expect it to be done properly. A request isn't something to be done lightly. A request may have a different impact on the one asking and the one doing. It may seem like a small thing to the asker, but the doer might think otherwise.
The point is: moderate asking for favors. It gets annoying at times. Imagine this: there is always one person, Person A, who always asks for paper from you during quizzes. After some time, you start avoiding the person when there is a quiz. Why? Because you are annoyed. Because the person is abusing your generosity. Asking for favors every now and then is okay, but leeching isn't.
I'll be careful the next time I make a request...
...if there is a next time.